Getting Started
Our Athlete Assessment measures the athlete’s baseline performance across Strength, Fitness, Upper Body Force, Lower Body Force, Quickness, and Asymmetry to create a comprehensive and individualized training plan to reach peak performance.
Strength Assessment
Consists of 14 movements using only bodyweight as resistance. These movements reveal your imbalances, asymmetries, and dysfunctions in mobility.
Fitness Assessment
Uses the VO2 Max Test, which is the most widely used test in exercise physiology. This determines your stamina and fitness by examining the body’s maximal consumption of oxygen, muscle efficiency, and lactate threshold.
Upper Body Force Assessment
Consists of three throws in all three planes of motion (transverse, sagittal and frontal). These movements reveal asymmetries in arm strength, coordination, and mobility.
Lower Body Power Assessment
Consists of three jumps — the squat vertical jump, the countermovement jump and the horizontal jump. These movements reveal asymmetries in lower limbs, coordination, and mobility.
Asymmetry Assessment
Consists of four trials of a drop from one meter and jumping back up with the left or right leg. These movements reveal asymmetries in the lower limb, coordination, and mobility.
Quickness Assessment
Consists of two open skill and two closed skill movements that we’ve developed. The areas of emphasis are hip, knee, and ankle mobility. These movements reveal asymmetries in lower limbs, coordination, and mobility.